Special Podcast Series on Psychotherapy and Exorcism – An Initiative of the Department of Theology of the Keppe Pacheco Trilogical College
Join host of Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head’s Richard Lloyd Jones and psychoanalyst Claudia Bernhardt Pacheco for this dynamic series of podcasts about Norberto R. Keppe’s new book Psychotherapy and Exorcism. Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head is one of the most important podcasts on the planet, with over 14 years of leading edge content.
Thinking with Somebody Else’s Head is featured on the STOP Radio Network www.stopradio.com.
Psychotherapy and Exorcism is an initiative of the Department of Theology of the Keppe Pacheco Trilogical College.
Psychotherapy and Exorcism Explained
The Problem
The split between exorcism and medicine has caused great confusion. This separation has made it impossible to understand what belongs to which. This idea has also led the human being to believe that we are victims, either of demons, or of eating the wrong foods or of any other type of physical behavior. As a result, we have impeded medical doctors from considering the psychological life in their treatment and dissuaded exorcists from accepting medical treatment and medicine in their procedures. If exorcism worked as the exorcists generally think it does, the possessed would be free of their demons after a single session. This does not happen, however, and in fact, the process can drag on for years, illustrating the need for treatment of the psyche as well.
Humanity is on the verge of solving its greatest problem, which is to free itself from the satanic power that took over the twentieth century, characterized by two terrible world wars and the constant threat of a third that would extinguish life on planet Earth. We are currently observing the expulsion of the greatest satanic power ever and finally committing that schizophrenic angel to the mental hospital called hell that he himself created.
The Mistake
Man’s first mistake comes when he denies that the planet is dominated by demons — with the approval of human beings, of course, who have chosen Lucifer as their father and thus abandoned Divine paternity.
Trilogical terms and definitions are available here.
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Norberto R. Keppe
Award-Winning Scientist, Author and Humanitarian Psychoanalyst Norberto R. Keppe received his training in Vienna, where he worked with professors Viktor E. Frankl (Polyclinic Hospital and School of Existential Analysis), Knut Baumgarten (Child Guidance Clinic) and Igor Caruso (Deep Psychology Circle). Dr. Keppe was a guest professor for a number of years at the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) in São Paulo Brazil and the University of São Paulo (USP) School of Medicine, among other educational institutions. Dr. Keppe has written more than 30 books, which have been translated into eight languages. He has attended clients all over the world, including New York where he lived for five years and Europe where he lived for eight years while developing the greater part of his work in the fields of Socio-pathology, Metaphysics and the New Physics.
Psychotherapy and Exorcism featured on Dr. Steve Ramsey’s site – Paranormal Zone, The Haunting Dimensions
June 1-3, at the Keppe Pacheco Trilogical College, Cambuquira Brazil.
This event is open to theologians, researchers, and scholars interested in spiritual illness.
Presentations will analyze spirit pathology through the lens of the science of tribological psychoanalysis. Among the many topics to be explored include the influence of demonic possession in psychosis and neurosis, as well as the link between malignant spiritual influence and violence, suicide and substance abuse.
For more information contact:
Veralice Souza
Deptº de Comunicações
FATRI – Faculdade Trilógica Keppe & Pacheco
55 (11) 3032-2675
For book inquires, web support, questions or comment please email contact@psychotherapyandexorcism.org. For more information visit the resources page.