From the book psychotherapy and exorcism by Norberto R. Keppe, page 3.
There has been a fundamental mistake made by the exorcists in regarding demons as similar to human beings who are still more or less with God but occasionally manifest unreasonable attitudes, become violent or lose touch with reality. Demons are already in this illusory world, except that they are not able to realize what they are doing. They are just like a psychotic human being who has become delusional and out of touch with reality and so no longer belongs to our world of consciousness of good and evil. Devils are locked inside a fiery vortex, eternally destroying their existence (by not accepting their own being) but unable to die because of this being, which is the very thing that prevents them from destroying life. This fact of not accepting existence while simultaneously existing has made them blind, deaf, and unable to taste, smell or touch, while inside they are devoid of intuition, knowledge, love and emotion, accomplishment or action. They are like pieces of stone trying to insinuate themselves into living humans, animals and even minerals so they can feel a little bit of life and free themselves from the nothingness they have chosen. People who are possessed always lack good feelings or rational thought; they let loose with their instincts and all the resultant pathological effects: extreme hatred, strong envy and especially arrogance and theomania, which cause avarice, violent desires for pleasure, uncontrolled hunger and deep-seated and never-ending lethargy. I believe that there is more demonic possession in cases of psychosis than in physical disease, while many specialists try to explain the causes of illness as coming from bacteria in the brains of these sick patients. In actual fact, these patients have deformed their grey matter through their Behavior.
After the human being accepted the delusions of Lucifer and his minions and came to believe that he could be what he is not and, especially, that he could climb higher than the stars to become a demi-god, Man has fallen from his human condition to become yet another little animal living on instincts. In fact, this is why artists often portray devils as animals. What can be seen in society at large is that the entire set of laws permits the powerful to take control, detain, stifle and force their citizens to live like animals in subservience to bestial norms. This book illustrates Man’s core problem, which has never been understood,and provides an opportunity for humankind to comprehend its flaws, allowing for the achievement of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth we have so ardently desired. I believe the main thing that prevents us from achieving this is the barrier that Lucifer has erected between ourselves and God. Furthermore, if this is not conscientized, and especially if it is not corrected, we will never be free of the vampire-like agony of the malignant spirits. It is important for the exorcist to perceive that the possessed individual can only be exorcised if he accepts becoming free of his demons, just as the psychotic improves only when he admits his insanity. What’s more, the same thing occurs in any type of pathology, which for the most part clarifies the origin of illnesses. We might say that blaming the misfortunes of our lives only on demons is an attempt to escape from the consciousness of our ills, and the same occurs if we blame our problems on physical causes alone.
Both concepts — that sick people suffer from either physical or spiritual issues only — are pathological and out of reality, and can actually be fatal. This means that not only can single-minded doctors commit devastating errors but so can exorcists who have the same mentality and resort to prayer only.