The Demon is a Schizophrenic Spiritual Being

Norberto R. Keppe

The human being is very much afraid of seeing that which he calls the unknown, and this is the reason he remains isolated from reality.

– When I was a child I was afraid of participating in the spiritual séances that my brother carried out in our home. In fact, I’m still afraid.
– What do you associate these séances with?
– Something terrible. It seems that these were manifestations of demons. In fact, this is why I am still silent on the whole subject.
– Do you believe that not exposing demons gives you some advantage? That staying with them gives you advantages?
– I think that they can hurt me.
– In this case, you believe that they are some sort of mighty gods, when in fact they are pathetic creatures, schizophrenic spirits.
– Then am I under the domination of sick spiritual beings?
– Of the sickest ones that have ever existed actually.

It seems that psychosis can be identified as demonic possession, which is why this type of sick individual displays a complete lack of logic in conversation and is totally deficient in his affectionate life. If mental institutions restrained mentally sick patients in the past and in general used to consider them as being possessed by malignant entities, it is because the idea has always existed that disease, especially mental disease, was proof of the presence of them.

– In the sanatorium where I work, a seriously mentally ill patient ripped up a bed that was bolted to the floor and threw it against the wall.
– How do you see that?
– Well, as a psychiatrist, I don’t believe he had the strength of five men.
– Do you think he had the energy of evil spirits that were with him?
– Actually, I also heard roaring and wailing that didn’t originate from him.

We mustn’t forget that Jesus Christ came to Earth especially to take away the power of the malignant beings. He was constantly exorcising demonized individuals, casting their
demons away into a herd of pigs, which, by the way, preferred to kill themselves by throwing themselves into the sea (Luke, chapter 8, verse 26), expelling a spirit of infirmity from a bowed woman (Luke, chapter 13, verse 10), and stating to Lucifer that he had to glorify God (Luke, chapter 4, verse 8).

– I read in a book about a woman who did not believe in God. After her death, she remained for twenty years wandering the streets.
– What do you think about this?
– How horrible human existence is without God.

The fact that Lucifer did not perceive who the Being he tempted really was (Luke, chapter 4, verse 1) is the ultimate proof of how much he alienated himself from reality, and this is why he does not renounce this incredibly foolish behavior that drags him into the underworld of the being.
