The Greatest Theories of the Twentieth Century were Directly Inspired by Lucifer
Norberto R. Keppe
The so-called unconscious does not exist in itself, for it is simply the absence of consciousness. Thus it is something artificial, unnatural, and we must conclude that the Freudian idea of practicing psychotherapy from an unconscious is the same as saying that Freud elaborated a theory from something non-existent. Furthermore, what I believe more significant is that the creator of psychoanalysis elaborated a theory starting from nothing; or better, from demonic influences, which are based exclusively on privation.
– As a medical doctor, I think that Descartes was the greatest fiend who has influenced us even today.
– What do you mean with this?
– He divided man into two independent parts, body and soul, causing medicine to fixate on the study of the organism, which is secondary and provides insufficient information to actually understand disease.
We mustn’t forget, too, that all modern orientations derive from these Cartesian ideas, which were created in accordance with human pathology. All my work is intended to conscientize this sick element in order to liberate, finally, civilization from the chains that hold us back.
The same problem that led Freud to create his methodology for healing neuroses takes place today – and it occurs in the identical direction. But whereas the Austrian-Jewish genius perceived the incredible censorship towards sex in his culture, we see an enormous censorship towards sex and everything else today – similarly to the Belle Epoque. Freud’s inversion was that of believing that the problem came from the impeding of sexual expression while the real problem lies in our censorship of our bad intentions – either sexual or otherwise.
– As a professional physicist, I understand that Aristotle (with his idea of Hylomorphism) was the person most responsible for the backwardness of physics today.
– What do you mean?
– He established the senses, which are diminutive, as the basis for understanding, thereby blocking true knowledge.
– I dreamed about a very joyous woman who was married to a filthy man.
– What do you associate the woman with?
– Happiness.
– And the man?
– Something very bad.
– The woman represents how happy you feel with the bad things you have.
The traditional theories founded on Freudianism would have the analyst try to correct the behavior, whereas our orientation attempts to lead the client to have consciousness of the underlying attitude, which would then be related to a series of resultant circumstances.