We Are Under the Influence of Good and Bad Spirits
From the book Universe of the Spirits by Norberto R. Keppe
We must keep in mind that the spiritual life has two paths: the first, obviously, is the divine way, whereby God, His angels, and the good human spirits bring help to us; the second is the way of the demons and the wandering souls (as they have been called) who roam the world doing evil. The human being, therefore, needs to perceive which one of these worlds is operating at the moment if he is to avoid making irreparable mistakes.
– I always have ideas about attacking someone.
– What do you think about these ideas?
– It’s wickedness. – Where would these ideas come from?
From evil spirits. The reader should note that these wicked spirits, who can only be attached to evil, are constantly yammering in our ears day and night. The human being and the spirits have a close relationship, and that’s why the person can feed them when he follows his own ideas, which are often distortions, omissions, or negations of the truth. On the other hand, he can also put them to flight when he speaks the truth. Indeed, there is a symbiosis here: man feeds the demons and the demons lead humanity.
– I don’t know why, but A.L. does not tell the truth about what is happening with P.J.
– Why do you think this happens?
– It seems that A.L. is afraid of telling the truth.
– Why?
– Some spirit does not permit her to tell the truth.
And if she did, the evil spirit would not be able to stand it and would have to leave. We live much more in the spiritual world than the material — whether we accept this or not. However, we have enormous resistance to admitting this and seeing how we invert the process of knowledge with the intention of disturbing nature. When we say that we are human beings we have to include the divine side, which is much greater than the physical. We were created within a so-called earthly paradise. This doesn’t mean that now we are outside this; what happens is that we simply do not accept this paradise because of our pride and envy, which cause us to adopt an attitude contrary to goodness. This is the same as saying that we inhabit the house of God but don’t accept it.
– I have everything and nothing makes me happy.
– Is this your considerable envy?
Then this is my problem? The invisible is infinitely greater than the visible, which shows that we are totally immersed in a spiritual world we don’t see. This explains our extreme dissatisfaction with this almost entirely material existence.
– I have never had any religious education.
– Even so, the human being always has concepts about the Divine Being.
Yes, I have to confess that I’ve always had a notion about the existence of God. I can say that human existence is transcendental — even if the person does not want to perceive this. In fact, it is this refusal that makes the human being incapable of having more well-being in this life. The rejection of this consciousness has its origin in the exact thing that causes disease: envy that blinds us to knowledge. So we deny transcendence in our lives, although it continues intensely nonetheless and needs us only to recognize it.